Support Staff Quality

Thứ ba - 18/08/2020 21:35

Support Staff Quality

Support staff planning (at the library, laboratory, IT facility and student services) is carried out to fulfil the needs for education, research and service

               Support staff team of the Faculty includes: 01 training assistant, 01 accountant and 01 officer. To ensure the quantity and quality of the staff, the Faculty Board of Deans has carried out a plan to develop a short-term (01 year), long-term (05 years) roadmap for staff development in order to have a route to use, recruit officers to ensure that the next generation performs the training Programmes well. Table 34. Number of Support staff for the PBP

TT Staff The highest level achieved Total
Bachelor Master Doctor
1. VNU library staff 22 7 1 30
2. Student Support Center staff 38 11 0 72
3. Hospital of Vietnam National University, Hanoi
4. Faculty support staff 1 1 1 3
5. Center for Application and Information Technology Training + 3COM Company 8 1 0 9
6. The University supporting staffs (Office for Politics and Student Affairs, Office for Academic Affairs, Office for Research Affairs, International Cooperation Office, Office for Finance and Planning, Office for General Administration, Office for Personnel Affairs, Youth Union, CEQA) 17 41 4 62
Total 27 43 4 176


To ensure the quality, the support staff are allowed to participate in training courses to improve professional skills such as computer skills, clerical work, plan-making skill, efficiently use GOOGLE's tools etc.

Recruitment and selection criteria for appointment, deployment and promotion are determined and communicated 

              The staff recruitment and selection criteria are specified within VNU; clearly and specifically define both professional ability and moral qualities in the University's guiding documents. Specifically as follows: 1- Graduating from a regular university with high grades from domestic state-owned universities or at reputable higher education institutions abroad, with majors that are suitable to job vacancies; priority is given to those who have working experience in the professional field continuously from full 36 months or more and are doing the job suitable to job vacancies; 2- Good at using foreign languages ​​for work (having a foreign language certificate of IELTS 4.0 or higher); 3- Having an informatics certificate with a standard of basic information technology skills according to the provisions of Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

              The target, criteria and results of staff recruitment are publicly announced on the mass media such as the website of University of Social Sciences and Humanities (, VNU's Recruitment Portal ((

            The team renewal of the supporting units in VNU is constructed in detail in the Development Strategy to 2025, vision 2035.

            The team is recruited to the Faculty meets the recruitment criteria of the University and of the Faculty in terms of responsible positions. Currently, 01 library staff is accepted by the Faculty as an officer of the Library Information Center, VNU.

Competences of support staff are identified and evaluated

            Candidates recruited to the expert positions of USSH in general and the FPS in particular must meet the recruitment standards of the University and VNU. Passing the recruitment examination, the candidate signs a labor contract with the University. For each type of labor contract (1-year labor contract, the first 3-year labor contract, the second 3-year labor contract and indefinite-term labor contract), the University/Faculty all build up clear, detailed and specific requirements for individuals to perform. Concurrently, at the Faculty level, there is a table describing the job position for each staff in charge of specific jobs. 02 months before ending the contract, the candidate writes a SAR on the performance results and proposes a plan for the task implementation for the next contract period. The FPS then holds a meeting to review, evaluate and consider if the individuals are qualified to meet the job requirements at the unit and decides to continue signing a new contract with the staff

            During the implementation of the Labor Contract, in June, at the end of the academic year, individuals must make a self-assessment of performance of academic year tasks and determine the plan for the next AY. Based on the contract signed with the University, on the faculty assignment description, the individual evaluation will be reviewed by all staff. After that, the Board of Deans of the Faculty evaluates, records performance and submits them to the Emulation and Commendation Council at the university level for consideration and decides whether he/she could be recognizes the individual's achievements.

            Based on the results of that emulation and commendation, the Faculty leaders organize the labor evaluation and grading every December. The labor rating assessment will be a basis for paying additional income for the staff. Labor evaluation and grading process is done annually according to ISO standards.

            From the 2015-2016 academic year to the 2019-2020 academic year, the faculty staff always fulfil their duties and are rewarded at all levels. This proves that the staff has good capabilities, meeting the requirements of the Faculty to support training and scientific research.

            After completing the modules, CEQA of the University collects students' feedback on the quality of supporting student activities. The student's rating for professionals in the past five years was greater than 4 on the 5 rating scale. In particular, the students' appreciation points focus on the following criteria: learners are allowed to show their feadback to the University and Faculty (on all issues); the quality in the dorm meets the needs of learners etc. The support staff is highly appreciated by the students, which is also one of the criteria for the Faculty's Board of Deans, the Faculty's Union Executive Committee to consider and propose to the Management Board and the University’s Union Executive Committee about timely rewarding and encouraging.

Training and developmental needs of support staff are identified and activities are implemented to fulfil them

            The FPS and the University support staff have the ability and expertise to complete the work assigned by the Faculty and the University, also to serve the best for learners.

            The staff of the Faculty/University always have the need of training, fostering and professional development. These above needs are proposed every June in the academic year review. Based on the staff use needs, the training needs to improve the qualifications of individuals, the Faculty’s Board of Deans will summarize and submit to the Management Board.

            The support staff of divisions/functional departments also register training sessions by each unit in the academic year summary. The head of the department will synthesize and send to the University’s Board of Rectors.

            On that basis, the Management Board will base on the actual demand of the FPS and functional departments to organize implementation to meet that need. The training needs of support staff mainly focus on office administrative skills, language skills, information technology, etc.

After each professional training course, the University collects the feedback of participating staff. Feedback results will be summarized and learned from experience for the following training sessions.

Also, the University has policies to support and reward in order to encourage the need for enhancing the staff proficiency. For short-term training courses at the university, the University will support the full participation cost; with off-campus training courses, if there is no sponsoring agency and organization, the University will support accommodation, transportation and part of the tuition fee. Besides, this is also one of the bases for the Faculty and the University to evaluate achievements and rewards at the end of each academic year. In general, the University has implemented activities to meet the training and professional development needs of the Faculty's and the University's support staff.

Performance management including rewards and recognition is implemented to motivate and support education, research and service

The employee performance management includes reward and discipline is consistent with the detailed regulations of the University. Every year, on the occasion of academic year summarization, in the self-assessment of the task performance, each employee must plan the work and goals to strive for in the next year. Through this review meeting, the work implementation of the staff is also commented by a group in order to draw experience for the next academic year. In addition to the evaluation criteria for the task completion according to the University's regulations, the FPS also adds evaluation criteria based on the annual workload assigned by the Faculty. [Exh.07.01.03] From the 2015-2016 academic year to the 2019-2020 academic year, the staff always complete their tasks and are rewarded at all levels. The support staff all receive additional income (bonus) from the University at the end of the year. This award is recognition of the Faculty and the University for the contributions and achievements of the support staff. Every year, all staff members achieve the title of advanced labor, leading staff at the university, outstanding young face of the Year. The good ones will be considered to join the Communist Party.

The work outcomes of the FPS staff are also reflected through the results of student feedback conducted every two years. The assessment results reveal that student feedbacks about the Faculty staff are at satisfied and very satisfied level with the average score of 4.12/5. However, difficulties in facilities such as learning materials, self-study rooms make it harder to serve the students.

The support staff are satisfied with their duty implementation results as well as the recognition and rewards from the Faculty and the University. In the year-end self-assessment and identifying the new AY work plan, employees are satisfied with their current jobs and there are no other petitions to the Faculty/University Leaders. Additionally, the Youth Union and the University Union every year also have recognition and deserved rewards for excellent Youth Union cadres (1-2 cadres/ year) and union members (3-4 cadres /year).

The emulation and commendation work of the Faculty and the University is reviewed annually with fairness and objectivity. The Management Board, The University’s Union executive committee, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, base on the commendation list sent yearly by the Faculties, in conjunction with the Office for Inspection and Legal Affairs and related functional departments will conduct the voting publicly.

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