Thứ sáu - 18/09/2020 21:27


MAJOR: POLITICAL SCIENCES CODE: 72310201 (Regulated under Decision 4433/QD-DHQGHN, November 27th 2015, by Rector of VNU - USSH)   PART I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION
  1. General information
- Name of major + Vietnamese: Chinh tri hoc + English: Politics - Code of Major: 72310201 - Degree: Bachelor - Length of programme: 04 years - Name of Degree: + Vietnamese: Cu nhan nganh Chinh tri hoc + English: The Degree of Bachelor in Politics - Education Provider: Faculty of Political Science, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, HNVNU
  1. Purposes of the Programme
This programme is designed to help students master the worldview, Marxist-Leninist methodology, Ho Chi Minh's thought, the Vietnamese Communist Party's line, the fundamental knowledge system of the social sciences associations and humanities, especially in the fields close to Politics, on that basis, have the ability to apply the theory, method and professional skills of the Political branch in the relevant fields of activity related to social life; have professional ethics, civic ethics, actively participate in the cause of national defense, construction and development.
  1. Admissions details
- Method of admissions: regulations by HNVNU.   PART II. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES
  1. ELO on knowledge:
1.1. General knowledge - Applying political science knowledge into professional and researching progresses; - Applying English at Level B1, equivalent to Level 03 of 6-level-Foreign Language Capability Measurement in Vietnam (including grammar and 04 basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing). 1.2. Field’s knowledge - - Applying social science and humanities research methods, practicing documents, searching, managing information in learning and research; - Applying basic knowledge of Social Sciences and Humanities into learning and research; - Applying knowledge of natural science to analyze and evaluate social science documents, adapting to the industrial age 4.0. 1.3. Discipline knowledge - Applying knowledge and methods in approaching and researching political science. 1.4. Inter-Discipline knowledge - Applying knowledge system and methods of organizational and administrative research, methods of collecting and processing information to serve political and policy processes; - Analyzing and evaluating the relationship between politics and Vietnam's public policy, the role of politics and policy in social development. 1.5. Major’s knowledge - Applying knowledge and methods of Politics branch to solve contemporary political problems; - Have a practical understanding of agencies, organizations and fields of activities related to Politics that students will work after graduation.
  1. ELO on skills
2.1. Professional skills 2.1.1. Master and be able to apply the skills of reasoning activities - Skills and capacity to think about political theory; - Skills to collect and process political information; - Political research, writing, presentation, teaching skills; - Skills to practice political writing. 2.1.2. Mastering and being able to apply practical operation skills - Skills to approach and handle political situations. - Skills in policy analysis, policy planning and implementation, policy evaluation and adjustment; - Skills in researching, evaluating media and exploiting media in politics; - Skills of analyzing and commenting on politics in the mass media; - Operational skills when participating in political - social activities. 2.2. Additional skills 2.2.1. Teamwork - Team building; - Team leading; - Team functioning. 2.2.2. Leadership and management - Applying leadership, management, decentralization methods (hard power, soft power, vertical decentralization, horizontal decentralization ...). 2.2.3. Communication skill - Conducting work with basic standards; - Mastering social communication skills in general and communication skills in relationships.
  1. Moral characteristics
- Patriot; - Respect and strictly abide by the Constitution and laws; - Having a sense of community service; - Self-integrity; - Actively participating in firmly defending the national independence and national sovereignty, building a rich country, a strong country, a democratic, fair and civilized society.
  1. Self-determinationa and responsibility
- Scientific objectivity; - Active, self-conscious and responsible at work, have an organizational sense, discipline, respect and protect the interests of the organization; - Ability to adapt to the rapidly increasing volatility of the labor market.
  1. The positions learners can take on after graduation
- Doing the work of consulting, advising in the Party and State policy-making agencies; - Doing consulting work, advising in agencies and organizations of the political system, socio-economic organizations; - Doing research in political theory agencies; - To be a reporter, editor of news and political commentary at central and local newspapers and radio stations; - Doing political research and teaching positions in the Party school system, universities, colleges and professional high schools and vocational schools.
  1. Ability to study and improve after graduation
After graduation, the Bachelor of Politics can continue to study at postgraduate level (master's and doctoral) with two majors in Politics and Ho Chi Minh study (and some other political sciences. will be built: Political relations and international media ...); can take extra classes to get a two, double university degree in some related fields: Policy Science, Journalism - Communication, International Relations...   PART III. EDUCATION PROGRAMME
  1. Requirement summary
Total of credits: 130 credits, including:
- General knowledge in HNVNU (not including Physical Education and National Defense Education) 16 credits
- Field’s general knowledge + Mandatory + Optional 29 credits 23 credits 6/18 credits
- Discipline knowledge 27 credits
+ Mandatory + Optional 18 credits 9/39 credits
- Inter-Discipline knowledge + Mandatory + Optional in-depth + Optional interdisciplinary 15 credits 9 credits 6/18 credits 6/15 credits
- Major’s knowledge + Mandatory + Optional + Internship, thesis paper/Alternate courses for thesis paper 43 credits 18 credits 10/43 credits 15 credits
  1. Educational Programme Framework
Order Course code Courses Credit Credit hours Prequisite courses
Theory Practice Self-Study
I   General knowledge (Not including 9th to 11th courses) 27      
1 PHI1004 Fundamental Principles of Marxism – Leninism 1 2 24 6    
2 PHI1005 Fundamental Principles of Marxism – Leninism 2 3 36 9   PHI1004
3 POL1001 Ho Chi Minh Ideology 2 20 10   PHI1005
4 HIS1002 The Revolutionary Line of the Communist Party of Vietnam 3 42 3   POL1001
5 INT1004 Introduction to Informatics 2 3 17 28    
6   Foreign Language 1 4 16 40 4  
  FLF2101 General English 1          
  FLF2201 General Russian 1          
  FLF2301 General French 1          
  FLF2401 General Chinese 1          
7   Foreign Language 2 5 20 50 5  
  FLF2102 General English 2         FLF2101  
  FLF2202 General Russian 2         FLF2201
  FLF2302 General French 2         FLF2301
  FLF2402 General Chinese 2         FLF2401
8   Foreign Language 3 5 20 50 5  
  FLF2103 General English 3         FLF2102
  FLF2203 General Russian 3         FLF2202
  FLF2303 General French 3         FLF2302
  FLF2403 General Chinese 3         FLF2402
9   Physical Education 4        
10   National Defence Education 8        
11   Soft Skills 3        

Field’s knowledge


Mandatory 20        
12 MNS1053 Research Methods 3 36 9    
13 THL1057 General State and  Law 2 20 5 5 PHI1004
14 HIS1053 History of World Civilization 3 42 3    
15 HIS1056 Fundamentals of Vietnamese Culture 3 42 3    
16 SOC1051 General Sociology 3 39 6    
17 PSY1051 General Psychology 3 45      
18 PHI1054 General Logics 3 31 14    

Optional 6/10        
19 INE1014 General Economics 2 20 10    
20 EVS1001 Environment and Development 2 26 4    
21 MAT1078 Statistics for Social Sciences 2 20 10    
22 LIN1050 Practicing on Vietnamese Texts 2 20 10    
23 LIB1050 Introduction to Information Literacy 2 20 10    


Discipline knowledge

III.1   Mandatory 12        
24 POL1052 General Politics 3 39 6    
25 PHI1101 General Religious Studies 3 39 6   PHI1004  
26 ITS1101 Political Institutions of the World 3 30 15    
27 ANT1101 Ethnicity and ethnic policies in Vietnam 3 36 9    
III.2   Optional 6/18        
28 HIS1100 General Vietnamese History 3 42 3    
29 PHI1102 History of Philosophy 3 36 9    
30 MNS1103 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 3 36 9    
31 PHI1105 The Asian Way of Production and Vietnamese Village Issues 3 36 9   PHI1004  
32 ANT1100 General Anthropology 3 39 6    
33 JOU1051 Fundamentals of Mass Communication 3 39 6    


Inter-Discipline knowledge

IV.1   Mandatory 8        
34 POL1150 Politics and Policies 3 39 6   POL1052
35 POL1151 Public Policies of Vietnam 3 39 6   POL1052
36 POL2056 Developmental Political Science 2      22      8         
IV.2   Optional 5/10        
37 MNS2064 General Administrative Science 3 39 6   POL1052
38 MNS3037 Organizational science 3 39 6    
39 POL2061 Public Opinion 2 20 8 2  
40 POL3024 Informative collecting and estimation skills 2 20 8 2  


Major’s knowledge

V.1   Mandatory 36        
41 POL3028 History of Political Ideologies 5 60 15   PHI1004
42 POL3029 Methods for Political Science 4 48 12   POL1052
43 POL3012 Political Power 3 39 6   POL1052
44 POL3030 Political Party 3 39 6   POL1052
45 POL3036 Vietnam’s Political System 3 39 6   POL1052
46 POL3007 Vietnam’s Polictical Culture 2 22 8   POL1052

1.2.            POL3045

Itroduction to international politics 3 39 6   POL1052
48 POL3015 Introduction to Ho Chi Minh Studies 3 39 6   POL1001
49 POL3032 Comparative Politics 3 39 6   POL1052
50 POL3034 Politics and Media 3 39 6   POL1052
51 POL3025 Methods for writing essay and presenting politics 2 20 8 2 POL1052
52 POL3044 Practice the Political Text 2 20 8 2 POL1052
V.2   Optional 12/32        
V.2.1 Line of Political Theory Major
53 POL3047 Internship 4 8 52   POL3029
54 POL3043 Introduction to Calssical Wriings of Marxism – Lennism on Politics 3 39 6   POL3028
55 POL3011 Woman, Feminism and Politics 2 22 8   POL1052
56 POL3035 Methods for approaching and analysing political case 3 33 9 3 POL1052
V.2.2 Line of Vietnam’s Politics Major
57 POL3047 Internship 4 8 52   POL3029
58 POL2053 Vietnam’s Politics in transitory to socialism 2 22 8   HIS1002
59 POL3046 Role of socialism law state in Vietnam 3 39 6   POL1052

1.3.            POL3005

Foreign Policies of Vietnam 3 39 6   HIS1002
V.2.3 Line of International Politics Major

1.4.            POL3047

Internship 4 8 52   POL3029

1.5.            POL3037

Foreign Policies of Powerful State 3 39 6   POL1052
63 POL3033 International Political Relations 3 39 6   POL1052

1.6.            POL3039

International Political Economy 2 22 8   POL1052
V.2.4 Line of Ho Chi Minh Study Major

1.7.            POL3047

Internship 4 8 52   POL3029

1.8.            POL3040

Ho Chi Minh and Revolutionary Way of Vietnam 2 22 8   POL1001  
67 POL3041 Ho Chi Minh and the foundation of Political System of Vietnam 3 39 6   POL1001
68 POL3042 Ho Chi Minh and the foundation of Culture, Ethics and New People of Vietnam 3 39 6   POL1001  
V.3   Undergraduate internship, thesis paper/ Alternate courses for graduation 7       
69 POL4057 Undergraduated Internship 2 4 26   POL3047
70 POL4052 Thesis 5       
    Alternate courses for graduation          
71 POL4054 Politics - basic matters 3 15 15 15  
72 POL4055 Vietnam politics - basic matters 2 10 10 10  
Total 139  
  Note: Foreign Language courses are in general knowledge section, included in the educational programme. However, their results are not counted into semester GPA, courses’ general GPA and general GPA.  

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